Keep an eye open, strive for best!

Bhushan Pawar
1 min readAug 30, 2018

Sometimes we fall apart from the flow of the stream, everything goes around have less value in our opinion because what we were seeking for was lost or yet to come. But skipping it always is not good, Time has value in its own way, things and time will turn to you later asking for its price you wasted.

I am very sure we are here to be happy but you have to make things right, or let them heal themselves. Because warrior might also lose somewhere !

You might be struggling through tough times, bad people, disconnected loved people for some reasons or something else; but what you can do is wait for the best time to take a chance again.

What you are doing now makes your today and energy you can use at max are only today, so stop taking advice. Keep an eye open, hunt for best and grab it.



Bhushan Pawar

Writer, Poet, Programmer- Love to teach computers ‘how to behave’